Monday, October 31, 2005

Hi. I'm in Delaware.

Man, this trip really is covering that scene from Wayne’s World! Unfortunately, I do not expect to make it to Hawaii in the next two days. I was, indeed, in Delaware earlier today on my return train trip from D.C. to New York. It was lovely.

I also passed through Trenton, N.J., where I found out –from painfully large lettering displayed on a bridge as we passed into town – that “Trenton Makes And The World Takes.” Does it sound to anyone else as though maybe Trenton has a little bit of a chip on its shoulder? I mean, I assume the world pays for whatever it is taking out of Trenton. Or do other countries sneak in under cover of darkness to pilfer the Trenton-made goods that are in such high demand the world over? Why not just make the sign read, “Thanks A Lot! Ya Screwed Us Again!”

In other news, the D.C. weekend was great! I got to see a lot of friends and we can now add Ethan’s Parlor, as well as Julius & Mandy’s Comedy Basement, to my list of clubs. Those are actually the homes of friends where I ended up doing “shows” for other friends over the weekend. It was a little weird, but I’ve performed for smaller audiences before. Plus, these guys were laughing when I said “hi,” so I knew they’d be easy!

The marathon was a lot of fun. It was a beautiful day and our friends were awesome. We got to see them 5 or 6 times along the course, and I spent the day with a huge mylar ghost balloon, which we carried so that our runners could identify us along the route. I even took my ghastly friend aboard the Metro. That was embarrassing. As for the marathon, itself, I stand by my assessment of the activity from the last post, but I will say that it was terrifically impressive to watch the runners fight their way through the long race. It was a great reminder of how strong we can be when we wish to be. It was also striking to see the number of people who were there cheering and the intense effect they seemed to have on the runners. The power of encouragement and the infectiousness of enthusiasm were on full display. It was cool. So cool, in fact, that now I am even thinking of never running a marathon.

Happy Halloween!

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