Thursday, February 16, 2006

Clown Calamity, Absent Asses, and Presidential Poop

I just returned home from a meeting. As I was driving into my neighborhood, I noticed a red clown wig in the street. That's a pretty rare sight. What happened to the clown that would ordinarily be under that wig? Did a friend get mad at him and throw the wig out the car window (like Elaine throwing George's toupee out of Jerry's apartment)? Until that wig is back on the head it came from, I'm sure there's one more sad clown in my subdivision.

I think the girls that play for the Temple Israel Lady Rabs must be out shopping right now. Five of them are going to need new pants today. Their old pants aren't going to fit right because they played their asses off last night. Their asses are literally gone. Okay, fine. Their asses are figuratively gone*. They recorded their first victory of the season last night in dramatic fashion, coming back from an early deficit and clinging to a slim margin as time expired. There were only five players present and one actually left the court to throw up during the first half, leaving the team to play 4 on 5 for about 3 minutes. It was a gutsy performance and I truly believe that if we can get all the players to all the games, this team could go undefeated the rest of the way. Don't doubt them. Remember, this is the greatest sports year ever.

Finally, more words of wisdom from our Presidents for you to enjoy during these days preceding Presidents Day...

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure." - Thomas Jefferson

I guess speechwriters weren't always what they are today. However, manure's not all bad. I mean it's ma and newer - two pretty good things.

*This is ZiggyBackRide's first and, quite likely, last discussion of high school girls' asses. Just wanted those who may be visiting for the first time to know that this is not that kind of site!


Anonymous said...

definitely not regreting joining the running rabs b/c i certainly don't want my ass discussed on a blog

Julie said...

that wouldn't really bother me, as long as it was discussed in a complimentary manner...

Anonymous said...

I like the subtle Seinfeld reference at the end. Also, Cole Silverman was here recently and we were talking about, ya know, Cheney shooting that guy in the face and Cole said, "Gosh I hope there's a Ziggybackride entry about it because it will be awesome."