Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Birthdays and Anniversaries

My 1st comedy anniversary was three days ago. One year since I first officially performed stand-up comedy on February 11, 2005. By my estimation, I have since performed about 60 times, including appearances in 15 different clubs, performances for organizations, at parties in friends' homes, and in one hotel hallway just outside of Tel Aviv, Israel. It has been very exciting and I have learned a lot. I can't wait to see what Vol. II brings! (On the anniversary, I watched the movie, "The Aristocrats" with several comedian friends. Very fitting!)

The day after my anniversary was Abraham Lincoln's birthday (he would have been 197, I think), beginning the 10-day run up to George Washington's birthday, during which we celebrate Presidents Day. In tribute to our nation's chief executives, I will, from now through Washington's birthday, offer up words and wisdom from our leaders. Sometimes I will offer commentary and sometimes I will just allow them to speak for themselves. I hope you enjoy and are inspired by them!

We begin with Lincoln... "Allow me to say that you, as a portion of the great American people, need only to maintain your composure, stand up to your sober convictions of right, to your obligations of right, to your obligations to the Constitution, and act in accordance with those sober convictions, and the clouds now on the horizon will be dispelled, and we shall have a bright and glorious future."

One more for today... "I know only two tunes: one of them is 'Yankee Doodle' and the other one isn't." - Ulysses S. Grant

Happy Valentine's Day and go Runnin' Rabs (last game tonight)!!!


Anonymous said...

have you heard of dane cook? he's an incredibly funny comedian. he's not like seinfeld, but i really like him.

Anonymous said...

yay hotel hallway outside of Tel Aviv! by far my favorite show!!!

Anonymous said...

Uhhh you forgot the Dining Hall at HSJ