Wednesday, July 28, 2004


Well, we did it, friends.  We hit the big 3-0-0.  Mazel tov to whomever among you that was the historic visitor.  For once, it wasn't me!  Let me know if it was you by using the comment feature at the bottom of this post.  I'll see to it that you are properly honored. 

In other news, tonight's the night, Jewish men's league basketball fans!  Can the fiesty upstarts come from a 6th seed and win it all?  We shall soon see.  Our quest for one shining (or, at least, slightly glowing) moment begins in 2 hours.  I have to go get ready soon.  By get ready, I mean listen to the Gatorade "Be Like Mike" song over and over.  Surely that will be enough to catapult me and my teammates to the top.

I'll try to post later, but I'm off tomorrow morning to the wedding of two very close friends.  It's very exciting to celebrate with them and to do so with so many of our other friends.  There will be many laughs.  There will be many photos.  There will be many stories.  There will be many memories.  Perhaps I'll spin you some yarns from the big weekend upon my return.  Until then, be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid.  (According to the mom in "Almost Famous," Goethe said that.  Why would she lie?)

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