Thursday, July 22, 2004


I just want to know - how many of you got to wear a cape and a crown, play the guitar, and sing children's songs today at work (I mean as an actual part of your job, Ben*!)?  Nobody?  Really?  Well, I did.  Hard to believe that it could be true, but it is.  There are days when I don't think my job is the greatest, but more often than not, it's pretty damn sweet.  It's good to be Ziggy!

*The name Ben was selected pretty much at random for use  in the parenthetical comment above.  Partly because it was short and easy to type.  Partly because I don't know the identity of many of this site's readers, but I know there's one named Ben.  Sorry Ben.  Didn't mean to suggest that you would act inappropriately at your place of work.  Even though you might.  And as for the rest of you, I didn't mean to mislead you.  I just wanted to make it seem as though I had a friend who might do all those things in his workplace, even if they were not part of the job.  I have sinned.  I'm sorry.

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