Monday, May 21, 2007

Life As A Campfire

The campfire smell that I mentioned in the last post is still with me. It's fading, but it's there. The scary part is that I can hardly tell - my sense has become numb to it.

Life is interesting when you smell like a campfire. More than once today, people in my presence have randomly launched into ghost stories.

Even stranger? Several people have waved skewered marshmallows over my head.

Stranger still? Late last night I was hanging out with a couple of friends and when they were ready to call it a night, they took turns peeing on me. That, as it turns out, was not as enjoyable as you might think. Luckily, however, it did not give me a new scent.

Thank heavens for the smokiness!

More on BBQ Fest and Greek Graduation tomorrow...

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