Tuesday, January 02, 2007

2006 Is SO Over!

This post was written last night. Technical difficulties delayed its posting. Sorry.

2007 can begin now. Happy New Year! Why now? Why over 21 hours since the ball dropped and Dick Clark participated in a long, awkward, televised make-out session with a lady I hope was his wife? Why? Because my last tie to the last year was just cut. My final BrickBreaker game of 2006, paused and continued this day, is over. It was an excellent game, but it's done. It's in the past. The future is here!*

I hope you have enjoyed ushering in '07 as much as I have. I rang it in in New Orleans, LA with some of my very best friends, some of whom live in that resurgent city and some who congregated from points as remote as Great Britain, New York, and even Baton Rouge! It was a great way to say goodbye to the past and hello to a new era (which we actually do every moment of every day, but the New Year is, shall we say, more heavily ballyhooed than all those other days).

Have a wonderful 2007. Make the most of each day so that, looking back next New Year's Eve, you will have memories of great moments, accomplishments and experiences to celebrate as you once again look forward. A quote from Jewish tradition says "Days are like scrolls. Write on them what you want remembered." I look forward to hearing the stories that are written on your scrolls, and sharing my stories with you here. Join me here often, and we will ZiggyBackRide through a great 2007 together! I can't wait!

* The future is actually not here, nor shall it ever be. The present is here. When the future does finally arrive, it too will be the present. Sorry.


Beth said...

Way to be currently beating me on the 2007 postings. But I'm getting back in the game, so it's ON- bring it!!

Julie said...

an excellent post, but it definitely doesn't beat my Top 10 Dead People of 2006...sorry