Saturday, January 20, 2007

Art Imitates Art

Damn you, Keystone Light (and, more specifically, the ad wizards who have come up with the latest pitch for this mediocre-at-best brew)! And after all the cases of you that I had to buy for parties at my cheap-ass fraternity when I didn't even drink!

Some of you may have seen the new commercial for Keystone Light that shows a guy responding to a beautiful woman in a store who appears to be coming on to him, but who, it turns out, is actually on a cell phone conversation using her hands-free earpiece, which is hidden by her long, flowing hair. It is hilarious.

It is also exactly (and when I say exactly, I mean really, really close) like a stand-up bit* - one of my greatest hits (if I were to have hits) - that is part of the backbone of my act. The premise originally appeared, for me, right here on this very blog, back in August of 2005 in the "Cell Phone Danger" post.

In truth, this is a pretty hot topic and I think there a lot of comics doing bits about this, but the commercial hits so close to mine, it hurts a little. Now people are going to think I'm a hack - ripping my stuff from Keystone Light commercials. I assure you that were I to steal material from beer ads, I would choose higher quality concoctions.

Hmmm... stealing material from beer ads... Brilliant! BRILLIANT!

* - You can see my comedy bit on the "video" page at The commercial is probably on youtube. Compare for yourself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't normally post on blogs, but I thought this was important. I have to use this blog to congratulate my marketing brethren in their ability to increase sales of crappie "insert any product here" by using attractive women. I have to ask, what can't you sell using a woman in a bikini? After 2 years of graduate school...I can honestly say NOTHING!!! If you are going to steal material from beer ads, you should also look into stealing from feminine hygiene product commercials. Some of those ads are hilarious…most likely because many are created by men who have no idea what they are talking about…Good times, Good times