Monday, November 13, 2006

The ZiggyBackRide Jinx???

Oh dear Lord, what have I done?

On Saturday, I sang the praises of Colt McCoy, quarterback for The University of Texas Longhorns, showing a chart of statistics that compares him very favorably against the quarterbacks* of other top 10 teams. A few hours later, Colt McCoy was knocked out of the Texas game during the first quarter with an injury, and Texas lost to Kansas State. The Longhorns are no longer a top 10 team.

There has long been talk of the Sports Illustrated cover jinx, with athletes and teams that appear on the cover often following up the appearance with a slump, an off-week, a loss, etc. Does this site have the same power? Will people talk about ZBR jinx and hope not to be mentioned here? Only time will tell. For now, though, I will sure be careful about using names and you can rest assured, that if you see someone's name in a post, I don't give a damn what happens to them!

Have a nice day!

* My fear that I was the undoing of Colt and of the Longhorn season is allayed, somewhat, by the realization that the quarterback chart listed 9 other quarterbacks who, I believe, made it through the day uninjured, though several of their teams did lose. It's iffy, but with stitions as super as mine (see post from 10/22/06), you can't be too careful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let's never speak of that game again...ever.