Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Doesn't that sound like it would make a good website? Well it does. Announcing my new comedy-related web presence! The design work will continue and more pictures, etc. will be added, but the basics are there. I'd love to hear what you think, whether you see any misspelled words, whether it takes a long time to load or anything else. You can use the comment feature on this site or the "contact" page on that site. Amazing! Then, when you're done, you can use the "blog" page on that site to get right back here!

When running for president, George W. Bush once asked, "Will the highways of the internet become more few?" I am proud to have helped answer that important query by making the highways less few.

By the way, I think we're about to hit visitor 6000 here. For 6K, not sure if there's a prize, but let me know if it's you anyway. There's a lot of pride to be had!


Anonymous said...

wow i just saw i'm your 6000th visitor too. so lunch with me and julie sometime, yes?

Anonymous said...

I like how laughwithziggy has a "contact US" feature. What, do you have some secretary to read your fanmail? Who exactly is "us?"

Julie said...

yay, ziggy finally has a website with all his comedy info. And 'us' probably refers to ziggy and his many personalities

Michael "Ziggy" Danziger said...

Okay, "Contact Us" has been changed to "Contact." I fired my fan mail secretary. And I fired most of my many personalities. Zeke, 6000! Nice. Lunch? Yes!

Julie said...

I was just looking at the website, and some of those pics...please tell me you don't spend very much time standing in front of your bathroom mirror taking pictures of yourself--that's kind of sad...