Friday, March 17, 2006


At last! I have been recognized for the complete idiot that I am. I received word today that one or more of my jokes will be used in the forthcoming Complete Idiot's Guide to Jokes from Alpha Books/Penguin Press. I submitted several items several months ago, in response to an email from the author that was sent out to many comics. I thought about it the other day, wondering if a decision had been made and, right on cue, received an email today. I don't yet know what material they selected. I guess I will have to wait until the book, which will include some sort of bio for me, is released a few months from now. I'll keep you posted.

In other news, the NCAA tournament is off to a gloriously entertaining start, with the Memphis Tigers advancing today and Texas yet to play its first round game. I hope you're enjoying all the action. I also am enjoying all the comments in response to my last post about sports movies. Rudy and The Karate Kid are two I enjoy that I neglected to mention in my preliminary brainstorm. Several other greats have been mentioned and I look forward to reading the rest of your input before creating my final list. I have Adam Sandler's version of The Longest Yard at my house right now and I hope to watch it soon. I have little faith that it will crack the list, but I'd be thrilled to be surprised. At the moment, I'm watching Wimbledon. It won't be on my final list.

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yay texas won and duke lost!