Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Eye Patch Shortage?

In the last couple of days, there was a pirate attack on an American-based cruise ship near the Seychelles. A pirate attack. A pirate attack?!?

Here is a link to the story...

I guess I just never thought that I would get news of pirate-related goings-on... over the internet. One of those things is definitely happening in the wrong century. In the news article (I hope that link works. I'm not very proficient with these things.) there are pictures of the so-called pirates. It's a few guys in a little boat with machine guns and grenade launchers, not a puffy shirt or eye patch in sight! No Jolly Roger (that's the skull-and-crossbones flag), no parrot, and no plank, as far as I can tell. Not a hook on a single hand. Aren't we throwing the term pirate around a little loosely? I believe the correct term is terrorists. Or possibly jackasses. Or both. But let's not get crazy here.

Watch yourselves on the seas, me mateys. They're out there and they mean business.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Last year on cnn.com I read a story about some pirates in India and I had the same "Pirates!?" reaction.

Also, I've been slacking on keeping up with ZiggyBackRide but you were in Delaware?? I bet that was pretty sweet. That's my homestate, you know? Also the birthplace of Ben Dorfman. Did you buy anything tax-free? Mmhmm.