Tuesday, June 08, 2004

The Dawn of a New Day...

Early on in the life of Ziggybackride, I wrote a persuasive, lucid, well-thought-out piece on "The Most Disturbing Thing in My House." (at least that's what others seemed to think about it!) The title of the entry referred to the toilet brush. I asked then why, in our society, we did not have access to a disposable toilet brush. I asked why we should keep our bodily filth in a corner in the bathroom. I asked important questions. I demanded answers.

A new day has dawned, my friends! Presumably because of pressure exerted on the household products industry by avid readers of this site (I can't imagine any other possibilities), someone is now making a toilet bowl cleaner with disposable cleaning heads. Our dream has become a reality!

Now, the possibilities are endless. Now, we know that if we can but imagine, we can accomplish. We must now dream new dreams. We must commit ourselves to the noblest of causes. There were generations before us who could never have imagined the disposable toilet brush. What will the generations to come bring to this world of ours? I am humbled by the possibilities!

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