Wednesday, May 26, 2004

God Bless... well...God!

Happy Shavuot to you! That's right, the third and probably least well-known of the triumverate of Jewish pilgrimmage festivals is upon us and my office was closed today. I work at a synagogue, by the way. Random businesses aren't shutting down for Shavuot just yet. But just you wait! Only, be ready to wait a really long time. Or possibly wait in Israel. Anyway, Judaism being the pragmatic and efficient religion that it is, Shavuot is a holiday with a dual purpose. It celebrates the Spring harvest and the giving of the commandments to the Israelites at Mount Sinai. It's fairly major, but no one knows about it because Sunday school is already out for the year by the time it happens and because it doesn't happen at the same time as any major Christian holidays. Chanukah is a pretty minor holiday, but everyone knows it. It owes all its fame to Christmas.

Anyway, it's been a nice day. Not quite the perfect day my friend Bekah described recently on her site, but not bad. I got my ass whooped in tennis by a good friend who just moved back to town. But at least someone backed into my car while I was playing. Poor kid. Driving his mother's tremendous Suburban and couldn't control it. Doesn't seem like a big deal - easily fixable. So I lost in tennis and my car got hit, but I guess it was a good day because I got to play tennis and didn't hit anyone else's car. That's a pretty good day! Off to pub quiz tonight with friends where, to top off my great holiday, I will have my lack of knowledge of many subjects demonstrated to me by people I've never met. In a bar. Happy holidays!

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