Friday, June 11, 2004

The Importance of Being a Movie Star

Today, I begin a new chapter in my life. Today marks the beginning of filming for a movie that I will be appearing in. It is an independent, feature-length comedy being made by a group of local filmmakers. It is not likely to be seen by very many people, but you never know!

At the moment, several movies are being made in the Memphis area. There are a couple that are being backed by major studios, that star famous actors, and that will one day be in theaters. This is not one of those movies. That's something I'm getting very good at explaining to friends who are excited to hear that I'm going to be on screen. The thing is, I'll be in the movie, but the movie may never be on a screen. Ahh, but I should not be so negative. I'm sure big hits and big careers have begun with smaller projects than this one. So, be on the lookout for "The Importance of Being Russell" at independent film festivals near you starting in 2005.

Today, I begin a new chapter in my life. I know very little about how it will turn out, but I'm quite certain it will have something to do with being in movies. Will it be a long chapter, filled with stories of living a life on the big screen? Or will it begin and end with "The Importance of Being Russell?" I can't tell you that. This is just the preview. You want the rest of the story? Buy a ticket!