Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Welcome To The Bailout Ball

The Senate just passed a financial bailout plan by a vote of 75-24. I hope, very sincerely, that it does what it is meant to do and will bring financial peace to the citizens of our nation.

I am hopeful. And I am annoyed.

As I write, leaders of the Senate are taking turns patting one another on the back in press conferences for their great work on this. They are also extolling their own bipartisanship, proud of their ability to come to consensus within five weeks of an election.

Translation: It is accepted that they are usually willing to avoid doing what the country needs if doing so may result in electoral gain.

That is not leadership and that is not what we pay them for. ZiggyBackRiders, don't be so quick to join the party congratulating our lawmakers for this. Don't let them get away with trying to make us believe that that is how it should be.

I don't care if the election is fifty years away or thirty seconds away. Any lawmaker who would ever do anything other than what they think or know should be done for the good of the nation to gain something politically should be removed from office immediately, if not sooner.*

If we want more, we have to ask for it and keep asking, even demanding it, until we get it. And when we get it, we should, like any supervisor, show appreciation for a job well done, but we need not throw a party every time a senator does his or her job. Now, let's see if the Members of the House can do theirs.

* I would love, LOVE to see a list of every senator or representative whose vote had to be bought with the addition to this bill of some unrelated clause. Forget voting against them. We should consider trying them for treason.

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