Monday, December 24, 2007

Question of the Day/ A Legal Matter, Baby*

We haven't done one of these in a while. This one came to mind as I made a short drive from my home to my office during which I think I may have technically broken three traffic laws. It's also on my mind as I have done some year-end tax planning and, in researching some options, found out about things I'm supposed to have been doing, but did not previously know about. So here's the question...

Is it reasonably possible for an American to be a completely law-abiding citizen?

I love laws. I believe in them and their power to provide the framework for the society in which we wish to live. I believe in their ability to “establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.”**

But do we have too many laws? Federal. State. Local. Tax. Civil. County. Traffic. Have we made so many rules about so many things that it is not even possible to follow them all?

This would make a good book - a citizen's quest to follow all the rules. It may already exist. If you know of any such work or of a situation in which following one law causes you to break another, please let us all know using the comment feature below. If you steal this idea and write the book, please send me a copy.

Those of you who worship in the shadow of the Cross should not let this question and the pondering thereof interfere with a wonderful Christmas. Everyone else... get on it!

* Title of this post comes from a song called “A Legal Matter,” by what I recall having been my very first favorite band, The Who.

** Quote is from the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution.

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