Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Air Jor-dan(ziger)

It occurs to me that this site has been without update in the world of Jewish men's league basketball for quite some time. For that, I apologize most sincerely, and I shall seek to correct our little problem.... NOW!

I am, once again, playing in the 30 and over summer basketball league at the Memphis Jewish Community Center. This is the league I was built for*, the league for which I couldn't wait to qualify (I considered getting a fake i.d. that would allow me early entry when I was in my late 20's). I'm having a good season and so is my team. Interestingly, that is usually the case when i choose to update you on this part of my life. We're halfway through the season and cruising along at 4-1, tied for first place. Five more regular season games and then the tourney, the march toward 30 and over local Jewish sports glory. Rest ye assured, I'll be letting know how it all transpires.

* This is the only league - maybe on Earth - for which I am legitimately eligible and in which I am a 1st round draft pick. This is my NBA** and, judging by the ratings of the finals in the actual NBA, it could probably be yours, too. I love this game.

**Speaking of my NBA, I'd like to thank all of those who voted in ZiggyBackRide's recent poll/referendum on what the Grizzlies should do with the 4th pick in the upcoming draft. A majority of you said they should take me. That's nice! I didn't even vote for myself. I voted for taking names, but only after kicking butt. Agree to disagree?

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