Friday, February 09, 2007

Define Aggression

Violence has erupted at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Not surprised yet? Me neither. Israel has begun work restoring an earthen ramp that leads to the Al Aqsa mosque, Islam's 3rd holiest site. The ramp was damaged in a 2004 snow storm. Hundreds of angry protesters have barricaded themselves inside the mosque after scuffling with police officers. I'm sure that will turn out well. Mind you, Israel has an excellent record of preserving holy sites of all faiths. That seems to have been forgotten by Raed Salah, a leader of the Islamic movement in Israel, who had this to say (regarding the repair of an earthen ramp, taking place some 60 yards from the holy compound), "The aggression happening now is a tragedy, a crime." He accused Israel of launching "a regional, religious war."

That's a great characterization of the situation, Raed! On behalf of the world, thank you for your inspirational leadership. Thank you for using your razor-sharp powers of observation and your enviable ability to say it like it is to point your people in the right direction. I'm sure there's no better way for them to spend their time than throwing rocks at police who are protecting workers who are fixing a path that leads to your holy site. That aggression IS a crime! It warms my heart to think of brighter days to come with you leading the charge. Well done, sir!

In other news, but definitely aggression related, much has been made of the diaper-wearing astronaut who traveled across this great land of ours to frighten, mame, or possibly kill a woman she perceived as a threat to her potentially adulterous more-than-friendship-but-less-than-romance romance with another astronaut. It's a hell of a story, and I've heard a lot of angles taken with it. The diaper, of course. The craziness of it all. The impact of the astronaut life that may have caused some of this behavior. The families. The disguise. The list goes on and on.

What I haven't heard anyone comment on significantly is the similarity that this all bears to the Chevy Chase classic comedy, "Vacation." The arduous cross-country car trip - how did National Lampoon not think of the diaper possibility? Shame on them. The affair - remember Christie Brinkley in that movie? I believe that if that late night swim had gone any further, we may have seen Beverly D'Angelo's Ellen Griswold go astronautical on Brinkley. That would have been something! Finally, the BB gun. The astronaut lady traveled across the country to accost her competition with a BB gun. A BB gun! She works for NASA for crying out loud! Does she not have access to any more powerful technology than the Red Rider air rifle that Ralphie so badly wanted in A Christmas Story? What else did she take? A sling shot? A pea shooter? A candlestick? I can only assume that she saw and was in awe of the power that Clark W. Griswold had over a frightened John Candy when he brandished a BB gun upon finding out that Wally World was closed (Moose outside shoulda told you).

This would make a great next installment in the series. Space Vacation. "Look kids! Saturn. Its moons." Load up the wood-paneled Griswold Family Truckster space shuttle!

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