Monday, February 19, 2007

Brick House

Evidently, I am not alone in my ongoing passion for the game, BrickBreaker. Thanks to regular reader and brother, David, for the following link to a Wall Street Journal article documenting the phenomenon...

Just so you know where I fall in relation to the subjects of the article. My high score is 25,915 and my addiction, like the guys in the article (I think they were all guys. Surprised?), is trying to beat that number. A few days ago, I finished a game at 25,865. It was heart-wrenching.

And then I realized it was a game of BrickBreaker.

And then it was REALLY heart-wrenching.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes! I am number 11,000. Okay, so I cheated a bit by refreshing 14 times to do it. But I was just so eager to get that cool prize you always give out to the X thousandth visitor. Can't wait to receive it!
