Thursday, June 30, 2005

Letter Day, 1500, and Score One for the Small Thinker

Dear Mom, Dad, and all my Ziggybackriding friends,

Shalom from Jacobs Camp. I am spending a few days helping out at the summer camp that I grew up going to and where I worked full-time as the assistant director after graduating from college. It's really fun to be back, as always. One of the traditions here is "letter day." The kids are required to write home every Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday, and on those days, staff members remind the campers to write with a letter day skit, the theme of which varies with each camp session. I used to enjoy writing and performing in the letter day skits and before that, when I was a camper, I used to enjoy writing incredibly short letters home. I mean really, what little boy at summer camp wants to have to stop to write a letter? So I used to write things like "Camp is great. Gotta go." As a matter of fact, I apparently wrote "gotta go" so often that my father was concerned for my gastrointestinal health. I was fine. Back then, at least.

A shout out to our visitors... we are quite close to hitting the 1500 visitor mark. Congratulations to us all on continuing our fantastic ride. If you are the lucky 1500th, please let me know using the comment feature below this post.

Back to camp news... we had corn dogs for lunch yesterday. Corn dogs! Has humanity ever had a better idea? In a world filled with mind-blowing inventions and a non-stop craving for progress and innovation, I often find myself in awe of those who brought us some of the small, mundane items in our lives. For instance (back to the corn dogs), if neither already existed, I think I would be far more likely to come up with the idea for the airplane than the corn dog. How did that happen? Of course we want to fly. We see birds. It looks cool. We were bound to figure it out. But a processed meat link encased in fried corn batter? On a stick? Score one for the small thinker! I love the human mind.

Time for swimming.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Umm I laughed out loud a little bit from the program office. Love the corn dog rambling...

Well, time for prep for dinner!