Tuesday, January 25, 2005

The Season For Loving (I)

With Valentine’s Day approaching, I will offer a series of love/dating/romance related thoughts, reflections, and points for consideration. What follows is the first in the series.

Today’s topic: my favorite reason for a girl to give to break things off with a guy

Over the years, far more reasons than any of us could hope to count have been given by girls to guys in order to end romantic relationships (or hopes for one), so you might assume it would be difficult for me to identify just one that is particularly outstanding. Not so. I have a favorite and I shall share it... now.

“You are too nice.”

Have you ever heard of such a thing? My guess is that you have. I have even heard it about myself. Never from a girl I was dating, but from others who speculated as to why I was no longer dating a girl. What should I do when I hear I might have been too nice for a girl? Go apologize?

“I’m so sorry. I swear I never meant to hurt you. I guess I just never took the time to find out exactly how big an a%&hole you were looking for. I’d like to make it up to you, though, if it’s not too late. I’m friends* with all kinds of jerks and idiots and I’d be happy to introduce you to some of them.”

That’s nice, I think. It’s always good when someone is big enough to go back and mend a broken relationship, and nothing says “I still care for you” like bringing an insufferable jackass into that special someone’s life.

Of course, “too nice” never actually means too nice. You have to figure out what it means for you. For me, was it…
Too boring? Maybe.
Too hairy? Quite possibly.
Too messy? Very likely.
I guess I’ll never know. Unless I remember to ask my old flames when I take my moron friends to meet them, you know, in the hope that my buddies* will do a better job of fulfilling that special dream of the “nice-but-certainly-not-too-nice” guy that all smart girls share.

*None of my friends who are reading the post are the jerks and idiots to whom I refer above. Those are, um, different guys altogether.

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