Friday, August 15, 2008

A Million Other Things, Part II

I checked back to proudly and vainly reread this morning's post (and, let's be honest, to see how many visitors had seen it) and I feel the need to clarify that I don't find reproductive rights to be a "dumb issue." I kind of made it sound that way, I thought. It - like many, many other things - is very important and worthy of thought and discussion. It's only a dumb issue when it is seen as the only issue or the most important issue.

Think of presidential administrations and vice presidencies as far back as you can recall, and try to name some ways that the opinions of those leaders on abortion affected the impact they had during their time in office. Has Dick Cheney's vice presidency been defined in any way by his beliefs on abortion? Would the last eight years have been different if he believed otherwise? How about Al Gore before him? (I mention the vice presidents because the article that set me off this morning was about potential running mates for McCain.)

In the scheme of what needs to be dealt with day-to-day in the White House, the Old Executive Office Building, the Capitol Building and Congressional office buildings, this issue is one of millions, and is not of a greater magnitude than many of its peers. Belief to the contrary has resulted in the unbelievably insane weight given to this issue in nominating and comfirming Supreme Court justices.

I may have more on this at another time, and I'm sure I'll comment on related issues as the election draws nearer. The staff here at ZiggyBackRide certainly welcomes and encourages your comments.

In other news that is slightly related to the last couple of posts, have you seen the pictures of President Bush with the women's beach volleyball team? Absolutely priceless. If I can, I'll post photos - or a link to some - here.

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