Monday, November 01, 2004


He'd vote for Kerry and Edwards. Think about the things that "J" preached. Would he really tell his modern followers to vote for Bush/Cheney?

I have been very involved in this election as a supporter of Kerry/Edwards and have been thinking about it a lot. In light of the above question and answer, the Christian Right has become quite humorous to me. They are politically involved under the banner of their religion, but ignore most of it's basic teachings - mercy, justice, sacrifice, love, peace, and the list goes on and on. They'll tell you how they are the perfect representatives of these values, but a quick look at what they do will show you the truth.

The funniest thing to me on this question of religion and political party is that if I had to choose one religion that the Bush administration really might represent the values of - I'd probably end up with Islamic Fundamentalism. Holy war sound familiar?

Maybe I'll write more later. Sorry it's been so long. I'm back, baby! And with a vengeance.

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