Friday, June 13, 2003

I Love Sports, But...

How did NASCAR get so popular? I can't believe people watch this. You know what it is they're watching, don't you? They're watching traffic ! NASCAR happens everyday at rush hour in every city in America, yet racing fans still feel the need to watch it on t.v. and, even worse, buy tickets to see it live. I think I'll start selling tickets to people to sit on busy street corners everyday from 5 to 6 p.m. Now there's entertainment!

Some people change careers and move to different cities just to avoid a long commute. Race car drivers, on the other hand, choose to make a career out of the commute. Their goal - their professional lifetime goal toward which they devote significant time and effort - is to win rush hour. It's really a pretty noble pursuit!

Personally, I think racing should be a punishment. I think repeat speeding offenders should be sentenced to laps at various speedways. A couple of minor offenses and you find yourself doing a short race at a nearby speedway. Keep it up, though, and you end up in the Alcatraz of racing, the Daytona 500. Of course, if you're a bad enough driver - among the worst of the worst - you get the book thrown at you and you end up living out the rest of your days on pit row. Just sitting there, hoping to get that last-minute pardon call from the racing commission.

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