Friday, March 23, 2007

Hi. My name is... Zippy?

Next week, I am doing a comedy workshop at a prominent private girls' high school here in Memphis (St. Mary's Episcopal School. I figured I'd go ahead and say it for the benefit of the Turkeys - that's the school's mascot, and still they think they need me for comedy - who are regular ZiggyBackRiders.) as part of an arts day full of activities with various performance and visual artists.

The students choose two workshops to attend, based on write-ups they are given in advance of the big day. I was asked to send a bio and a little info on what we would be doing in my "class." I sent her my official bio from, along with the following...

Join reigning "Funniest Person in Memphis," Michael "Ziggy" Danziger to explore what is funny, learn where to find it, and figure out how to use it without hurting yourself.

I have not seen the publicity that the students received, but according to sources close to the school, it was evidently edited to reflect my corrected nickname, Zippy. Now, I don't mean to split hairs and there's no denying that Ziggy is not the most dignified sounding moniker ever, but Zippy? Zippy! If, in fact, any high school girl in her right mind signed up to learn about comedy from someone named Zippy, I feel certain she'll be expecting a clown. I might dress as one. "Hey kids! Who wants to laugh?!?" It's going to be great.


Julie said...

sources close to the school, huh? We were discussing last night how excited we are about our upcoming comedy workshop with Zippy!

Beth said...

Please tell me you didn't show up at the school dressed as a clown and say to the students: "Hey kids! My name is Zippy the Clown, and I have SHINGLES! Hahahahahaha!"

That would be TERRIFYING.

Julie said...

he decided not to go with the clown approach, although that actually could have been pretty funny...