Friday, August 18, 2006

ZiggyBackRide: Beating Inertia; Rolling Again!

Good morning! I'm thrilled to see that the last post - my first in a good, long while - has sparked discussion. In response to the latest comments...

David, fine points all. No problem with your bringing your work onto the ZiggyBackRide. We all want this to be as accurate and informative as possible. Thank you for helping uphold the high standards of data presentation that our readers have rightly come to expect.

Zina, good question. I wasn't actually reading Parenting Magazine. The survey was reprinted as a daily cover story on AOL. I guess I can see how the mental picture of me sitting at home catching up on my stack of Parentings might have caused an eyebrow or two to raise.

I still have a number of items from the last several weeks to write more about, including the improbable and glorious bronze medal run of my 13-14 year old Jewish Flag Football team at the JCCA Maccabi Games in Phoenix last week. Look for that story later this weekend!

Have a great day!


Anonymous said...

i finally saw that commercial! except they changed the lyrics from "" to "bright...and tonight" but overall it was adorable.

Beth said...

Dude, you can stop lying about your Parenting addiction. It's okay. There are others out there, other non-parents who read that fantastic publication to stay up to date on diaper trends and the bib market. (Right.)