Saturday, July 29, 2006

The Nexus of the Universe?

This morning, I saw two police cars run the same red light, going in different directions. Neither of them had its flashing lights on. Hmmm.

Sorry I've been AWOL recently. A lot has been going on. My life has been occupied with Jewish flag football, duplexes (dupleces? like indeces? I don't know.), burglaries, and more! Boy, do I have a lot to tell you. I'll get on it. Have a good weekend.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

The Balls Of The Bell

America has a weight problem. The so-called "battle of the bulge," our nations struggle with the increasing occurrence of obesity is well-documented. I, myself, could stand to lose 5 or... 20 pounds. It's a serious issue, but things are changing. Schools are removing sugary sodas and fat-laden salty snacks from vending machines. MacDonald's is making "healthy" salads (I've heard they still have large amounts of fat in them... somehow, but still!). Salads. At MacDonald's. Inconceivable! Everyone is in on the fight.


Taco Bell has recently unveiled a new advertising campaign that seems to fly in the face of efforts to help slim our collective waistline. What is the Bell's new approach? Fourth Meal. Fourth Meal! They are encouraging us to eat a fourth meal. According to the fine folks at Taco Bell, "After you've eaten breakfast, lunch, and dinner, it's time for the fourth meal. That's right, America! Drag your fat ass on over at 2 a.m. for a Crunchy Baja Gordita Supreme!"

I love Taco Bell, but aside from being nothing short of ballsy, I find this a little bit sinister. Is it just because you see things differently when you think outside the bun or is this part of some evil plan? They're like the wicked witch trying to make sure we are properly plump before she cooks us.

I'd strongly recommend leaving a trail of bread crumbs next time you go South of the Border.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Wis Wiverty And Justins For All

As I recall, that's the way my oldest niece pronounced the final words of the Pledge of Allegiance as she proudly recited her newly learned words of patriotism in her first days of preschool. It was pretty damn cute. For the record, she has since gotten much better at pronouncing those and many, many other words.

Just a quick 4th of July shout out to all who read Ziggybackride before the 5th is upon us. The idea of a blog doesn't seem like a very big one, but free expression and the unstoppable expansion of available channels for it are very big ideas, indeed. The freedom to share ideas - even ridiculously inane ones (see Posts 1 through 131) - is one fantastic part of what this day, now ending, celebrates. I'm honored to share this magnificent ride with you and blessed to be free to do so.

Many are quick to point out America's imperfections. We have them, no doubt, and we always will. That's the nature of living in a place where new ideas, dissenting opinions, and hundreds of millions of voices can be heard. Our imperfections are frustrating, but their source is our very beauty. Our freedom and potential to achieve greatness lie right in the middle of our struggles. We are never far from a disastrous turn that could lead to tragedy, nor are we ever far from an historic moment of greatness. That is the difficult beauty of America.

You know how I love to share the words of the Presidents....

"A strong nation, like a strong person, can afford to be gentle, firm, thoughtful, and restrained. It can afford to extend a helping hand to others. It's a weak nation, like a weak person, that must behave with bluster and boasting and rashness and other signs of insecurity."
- Jimmy Carter

Here's to being a strong people in a strong nation and leaving our insecurities behind, and here's to another year of wiverty and justins for all!